Thursday, February 14, 2008

Movie Geekiness: The new Indiana Jones trailer and Star Trek news

Just a short post today...

It aired on "Good Morning America" this morning, and shortly afterward it was posted on the official Indiana Jones website, so here it is: the first trailer for "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", due in theaters this May:

Indy trailer (sorry it's just a link--like the "Star Trek" trailer before it, no hi-def version available on youtube just yet.)

This one's going to be a whole lot of fun - it's taken 19 years to bring it to the screen, so I can't imagine Spielberg and Ford screwing it up at this point.

In other movie news, the new Star Trek film, originally due in theaters Christmas of this year, has been pushed back to May 8th, 2009, in a post-writer's strike move by Paramount. Curiously, the move is NOT related to script issues, but apparently due to what Paramount considers huge box office potential. Here's the quote from the Hollywood Reporter article that broke the story:

“‘Star Trek’ is moving to summer because its has so much box office potential,” Par spokesman Michael Vollman said. “It does not need any script tweaks. They’re two-thirds of the way through shooting, and we would have delivered a great movie at Christmas.”

Opening on May 8th, Star Trek would then have the third major movie opening of the 2009 summer movie season, behind X-Men Origins: Wolverine, starring Hugh Jackman, on May 1st and Watchmen, based on the classic Hugo-award winning comic book series by Alan Moore (The League of Extraordinary Gentleman), on May 6th.

Sure looks like 2009 will be a geek's paradise at the movies, doesn't it?