Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year, New Blog, Great news for BSG fans!

Hello and welcome to what I hope will be the first of many posts in my brand-spanking new blog here on blogger. Many thanks to my old friend JC Martinez for giving me the idea to set up shop here, and thanks to any and all who read my blogs over on MySpace and now are reading my ramblings here. My aim is to actually consolidate my blogging activity, going down from two blogs, the MySpace one and my old Livejournal blog, to just this one. In truth, I hadn't written at all in the Livejournal blog in almost 10 months, and there's a good reason for that: the livejournal blog was focused entirely about my love of the Miami Dolphins, and well, as any NFL fan knows, this past season there wasn't a whole lot about the Dolphins that was worth immortalizing in hypertext. All that matters is that the season's over and things can only get better!

Anyway, on to the good news referenced in the subject line, posted today on TV Shows on DVD.com : Universal Studios Home Media has FINALLY released the box art and release date for Sci-Fi Channel's Battlestar Galactica Season Three! Check it out:

Battlestar Galactica - Season Three will retail for $59.99, though I'm sure folks out to get it in the first week of release will find it for much cheaper. What's of the most interest to me in this set is the news regarding the episode "Unfinished Business", which was a favorite of mine and many other people I talked to due to the episode filling in the final bits of information viewers were missing about the "one-year-later" time-jump that took place in Galactica's second-season finale, "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II." The version of "Unfinished Business" on the set will feature an extra 25 minutes of never-before-seen footage, much like the Battlestar Galactica: Season 2.5 (Episodes 10-20)DVD set featured a longer cut of the episode "Pegasus." I always find the extended episodes fun to watch just to look for the "new" material and consider how whether or not it should have been cut, so this is just extra incentive for me to put aside a few cents every day between now and March in order to grab this set off the shelves at the first possible moment.

Now, this news also confirms what a great many of us BSG fans already knew, that this DVD release was being timed to immediately precede the start of Galactica's Season Four in early April. We've been waiting a LONG time for both this set and new episodes, so I know I can't be alone in being excited by this news. I do fear, though, that it all may be a case of "too little, too late." After all, it's been almost a year since Season Three ended, and admittedly that season was a bit uneven in terms of episode quality. Can this show ever again regain the momentum and fan-fueled excitement that it once boasted? Will audiences return to see the show through its final season, for Season Four will indeed be the last? Will the current writer's strike in Hollywood end in time for the show's writers to complete Season Four at all? So many questions, so much uncertainty about the future ... well, this much is certain: I'll be buying this DVD set without hesitation, and I know I won't be alone.


Matthew said...

Welcome to blogger, I've had my account for a year and really enjoyed it. I just created a public blog like yours, you can find it here. Lets see if we can get more people over to this one. Make sure to subscribe to my rss feed that way you can stay up to date. If you need a good rss reader, Google Reader does an excellent job. Its all online and you can add it to the front page of your personalized Google page. If you need help let me know.

Yeah I need to get my hands on Season 2 and 2.5 still. Have they condensed that down to just one box of Season 2 goodness or do I still have to buy two separate boxes?

And on the subject of additional footage, I while putting in my floor have been watching the Lord of the Rings extended versions with the director commentary. Man is that really good stuff to listen to in the background. It really explains a lot of the behind the scenes stuff.

Unknown said...

Geez, I wish they'd give us more than a few days to view Season 3 again before Season 4 starts. Oh well -- whine, whine. Given that I'm completely hooked on this show, I'll take whatever morsels from the table that they'll drop to me.